The Amazing Spider-Man is an upcoming American superhero film based on the comic book of the same name that is currently in post-production. It is the fourth Columbia Pictures film based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man and the first film in a rebooted Spider-Man film franchise. The film is being directed by Marc Webb. The cast includes Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy and Rhys Ifans as Dr. Curt Connors. The film will portray Peter Parker as he is developing his super powers in high school. It is scheduled to be released in 3D and IMAX 3D on July 3, 2012.
Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker / Spider-Man: A social outcast abandoned by his parents at a young age. As a high school student, he is bitten by a radioactive spider and gains spider-like abilities.[2]
Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy: A high school classmate and love interest of Peter Parker.[3]
Rhys Ifans as Dr. Curt Connors / The Lizard: A scientist who tests lizard serum on himself in an attempt to regain his missing right arm, which unexpectedly transforms him into a reptilian humanoid monster.[4][5] In a September, 2011 interview, Ifans claimed that his character spends the majority of the film as a human. While filming for the 9-foot tall Lizard, Ifans was required to wear a CGI suit. Initially, a large stunt-double was used as a stand-in for the role but Ifans insisted on portraying the transformed character, to which Webb agreed. Commenting on the technology used to bring his character to life, Ifans continued "I had a green suit on, and then this cardboard head, and these big claws… Each and every time you see the Lizard, the technology is so advanced now that when the Lizard's eyes move, they're my eyes. If I frown or show any emotion, they're my emotions. That's how spectacularly advanced technology is."