Bar Refaeli, Israel Model Bar Refaeli Picture Gallery, Wallpaper, Biography. Filmography, Movies, Videos, bikini picture, sexy picture, dating, marriage

Bar Refaeli Biography

Bar Refaeli was born born on June 4, 1985 in Israel. She is a famous Israeli model. Its reported that she began a modeling career at the age of eight months, appearing in commercials. She had to wear braces in her early years, postponing her modeling. At the age of fifteen, Bar Refaeli returned to modeling where she was represented by Irene Marie Models.

Israeli beauty Bar Refaeli is one of the world’s most in demand models. She’s a real pro who has been “making love to the camera” since she was 8 months old. Bar is currently dating Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s one hell of a lucky guy, because Bar is stunning. Shalom!!

Bar Refaeli began her modeling career before the age of one. By age 15 she had appeared in many commercials for big Israeli fashion brands. In 2000 and 2001 she was named “Model of the Year”.

Bar Refaeli appeared in the French ELLE magazine, as well as becoming the first Israeli model to be featured in Sports Illustrated.

Controversy surrounded Bar Refaeli when it was revealed that she evaded Military service in Israel by marrying a family acquaintance and then quickly divorcing him. She worsened matters when she was quoted as saying “Why is it good to die for our country? What, isn't it better to live in New York?” in an interview with magazine Yedioth Ahronoth. She later claimed her comments were taken out of context.

Bar Refaeli has been in a relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio since late 2005. The two met at a Las Vegas party for U2. In 2007 the two travelled to Israel and met with then Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres.